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Patient Generated Health Data

Consistent monitoring and timely interventions facilitated by patient-generated health data (PGHD) can significantly improve health outcomes, foster a collaborative approach to healthcare, streamline healthcare delivery by reducing the need for frequent in-person visits, and enhance population health analytics and clinical protocols.

What is Patient Generated Health Data?

Patient-Generated Health Data (PGHD) refers to health-related data created, recorded, or gathered by or from patients outside traditional clinical settings. This data includes a wide range of information, such as:


  • Vital signs: Blood pressure, heart rate, weight, temperature.
  • Health behaviors: Physical activity, diet, sleep patterns.
  • Symptoms and experiences: Pain levels, mood, medication side effects.
  • Lifestyle information: Stress levels, daily routines, and environmental factors.

Unlike traditional medical data collected during clinical visits, PGHD is generated consistently in real-world settings, providing a more comprehensive and nuanced picture of an individual’s health.

Importance of Patient-Generated Health Data in Modern Healthcare

Patient-Generated Health Data is reshaping healthcare by:


  • Providing consistent data streams for ongoing patient monitoring.
  • Enabling early detection of potential health issues.
  • Reducing hospital readmissions through better management of chronic conditions.
  • Increasing patient engagement and self-management.
  • Supporting value-based care initiatives by improving quality performance and reducing costs.

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IoT devices

How Validic Supports The Use Of Patient-Generated Health Data

Validic is at the forefront of integrating Patient-Generated Health Data into the healthcare ecosystem. Our platform enables the seamless collection, transmission, and analysis of data from various health devices and applications. Here’s how we enhance healthcare through integration and meaningful use of Patient-Generated Health Data:
Enhancing Patient Engagement
PGHD empowers patients by actively involving them in their health management. By tracking and monitoring their data, patients become more engaged and informed about their health status, leading to better adherence to treatment plans and healthier lifestyle choices. Learn more from our blog on “streamlining data sources for patient engagement.”
Enabling Personalized Care

Personalized experiences are the new normal. McKinsey reports that 71% of consumers expect companies to deliver personalized interactions, and 76% of us get frustrated when we don’t receive them.

It comes as no surprise then that 76% of patients are frustrated when leaving their medical appointments, according to the AHIMA Foundation. Patients leave unsatisfied because they’re not receiving personalized care. Patients feel confused about their health, don’t get their questions answered, and feel like they need to do more research online.

Healthcare providers can use PGHD to tailor treatments to individual needs. For example, continuous glucose monitoring in diabetes patients helps personalize insulin therapy, and tracking physical activity can aid in managing chronic conditions like heart disease and obesity. 

Validic has now connected PGHD for nearly 20 million people across hundreds of healthcare organizations. We have seen that the patient journey is not episodic, and people cannot be defined by their condition(s). People have different health goals and need different levels of care at different times in their lives.

Learn more on personalized care from our CEO, Drew Schiller, here.

Bridging Gaps in Healthcare
For patients in remote or underserved areas, PGHD offers a lifeline by providing continuous monitoring and timely interventions without the need for frequent in-person visits. This is particularly crucial for managing chronic diseases and reducing hospital readmissions.
Supporting Preventive Care
By identifying trends and potential health issues early, PGHD facilitates proactive and preventive care. For instance, monitoring blood pressure and heart rate can help detect early signs of cardiovascular problems, enabling early intervention and potentially preventing severe health events.
Better Population Health Management
Operating effectively and efficiently in a value-based care environment means delivering high-quality, evidence-based, and patient-centered care while continuously driving cost savings for your patients, members, and community. The cost savings come not only from dollars saved in treatment and earned through additional quality payments but also from simplified, tech-enabled workflows. Validic works with population health leaders to augment their analytics, care management, and quality improvement initiatives using remotely collected health data integrated into their EHR.

The Role of Technology in PGHD

Advancements in wearable devices, mobile health apps, and smart home technologies have significantly contributed to the rise of PGHD. Here are some key technologies driving this change:

Wearable Devices

Smartwatches, fitness trackers, and specialized health monitors collect data on physical activity, heart rate, sleep patterns, and more. These devices sync with mobile apps, allowing users and healthcare providers to access and analyze the data in real-time.

Mobile Health Apps

Mobile apps offer platforms for patients to log their health information, receive medication reminders, and access educational resources. Many apps also provide real-time feedback and insights, helping users make informed decisions about their health.

In-Home Clinical Devices
Devices such as glucose meters, blood pressure monitors, and pulse oximeters can transmit data directly to healthcare providers, enabling continuous monitoring and timely interventions. These tools are particularly beneficial for managing chronic conditions.

Benefits of PGHD & How Validic Can Help

Improved Health Outcomes

An estimated 133 million Americans live with at least one chronic condition, and four in ten U.S. adults have two or more. Validic takes a platform-first approach to mitigate lifestyle risks and provide actionable patient health data to providers.


Consistent monitoring and timely interventions facilitated by patient-generated health data (PGHD) can significantly enhance health outcomes. For example, real-time blood sugar monitoring helps diabetes patients better manage their condition, reducing the risk of complications.

Validic offers several benefits:


  • Restore high-risk patients: 75% of patients with stage 1 or 2 Hypertension returned to normal ranges within 45-60 days. Patients with type 2 diabetes achieved a 1.2% reduction in A1C within 90 days.
  • Reduce emergency visits: Active monitoring for high-risk patients can prevent readmissions and confidently discharge patients to home, monitoring their vital signs with an EHR-integrated device data and remote care solution.
  • Early issue detection: Participants in our programs experienced 30% fewer hospital admissions and 35% fewer emergency department visits. We've helped populations reduce systolic blood pressure (SBP) by 12%, decrease blood glucose levels by 15%, and revert stage 1 and 2 hypertension to normal ranges.

Improved outcomes lead to tangible cost savings and higher patient retention. Patients using our program reduced their A1C levels by an average of 1.25%, potentially lowering chronic condition-related costs by 54% annually ($500 - $1,400 per patient).


In a value-based care environment, providers can achieve higher quality payments by proactively managing patient health, reducing hospitalizations, and effectively managing chronic conditions. Enhance your population health analytics and clinical protocols with remotely captured patient health data to exceed quality improvement thresholds and improve patient outcomes.

Enhanced Patient-Provider Relationships


Patient-generated health data (PGHD) fosters a collaborative approach to healthcare, strengthening the patient-provider relationship and improving patient satisfaction and retention. It encourages patients to be more involved in their care while providing deeper insights to healthcare providers, facilitating informed and effective treatment decisions.


Health systems often experience up to a 30% patient attrition rate due to low engagement and dissatisfaction. Integrating PGHD with Validic can help:


  • By directly integrating PGHD into the EHR, Validic empowers care teams to engage with patients more frequently and efficiently, fostering a sense of continuous care.
  • High satisfaction with our program (70%) is attributed to improved coordination and hand-offs among care team members. More than four out of five patients would recommend our solution to family and friends.

Empowerment Through Self-Management

In a value-based care environment, providers can achieve higher quality payments by proactively managing patient health, reducing hospitalizations, and effectively managing chronic conditions. Enhance your population health analytics and clinical protocols with remotely captured patient health data to exceed quality improvement thresholds and improve patient outcomes.

Patients with chronic conditions often face challenges in managing their health. PGHD provides them with the tools and data needed to take control of their health, leading to better self-management and improved quality of life. 

Remote care programs that leverage PGHD do not just lead to better self-management of chronic diseases and improved clinical outcomes. They also improve patient satisfaction with the health system, patient retention and stickiness to the organization, and optimism in their ability to live with their conditions by creating a stronger bond between the patient and their care team. In fact, 75% of patients (enrolled in Validic-powered remote care programs) feel they receive better care in personalized care programs. 

Learn more about “improving patient adherence with remote care,” here.


Increased Efficiency in Healthcare Delivery

Burnout is a leading concern for healthcare workforces today. Validic’s platform integrates Patient-generated health data (PGHD) directly into the clinical workflow, helping providers maintain high care levels in less time. 

PGHD can streamline healthcare delivery by reducing the need for frequent in-person visits and hospitalizations. Remote monitoring and virtual consultations save time and resources for both patients and healthcare providers.

By integrating PGHD with Validic-powered remote care programs: 


  • Nine out of ten physicians report significant time savings—reducing physician-patient call times from 15 minutes to just 5.5 minutes. This equates to 315 hours per year, or one hour per business day, assuming a patient load of 500 per quarter. These programs allow you to manage remote care with your existing staff, just as you manage in-person care, without adding extra administrative burdens.
  • Reduce the steps and clinical resources needed to manage patients' medications and chronic conditions. You can remotely capture and integrate data on weight, blood pressure, pulse oxygen, blood glucose, and temperature directly into your Epic or Oracle Health EHR. This streamlined review of clinical information and medication adjustments minimizes routine back-and-forth communication, allowing for more meaningful patient interactions.

Learn “how integrated personal health data can help the healthcare workforce shortage,” here.


Overcoming PGHD Challenges with Validic

There are several challenges organizations typically face when contemplating incorporating PHGD into their systems and processes. Identifying these challenges up front, and ensuring that the partners and vendors healthcare providers work with take these challenges seriously, and have incorporated best practices around these items is critical to long-term success in any PGHD program.

    Data Privacy and Security

    The collection, storage, and sharing of patient-generated health data (PGHD) raises significant concerns about data privacy and security. Ensuring that patient data is protected and used ethically is paramount. Validic is committed to implementing robust security measures and complying with regulatory standards to safeguard patient information. Validic is HIPAA-compliant, HITRUST CSF Certified®, and ISO-27001 certified for Information Security Management.

    With Validic, you can run multiple remote care programs using one secure, EHR-integrated solution. The average hospital employs 3.2 full-time equivalents (FTEs) to conduct 500 hours per month of vendor risk assessments. However, more is needed to ensure security, privacy, and compliance, given that the average hospital maintains relationships with over 1,300 different health IT vendors.

    Contracting, coordinating, and managing multiple vendors is a significant burden, especially if they don’t fully integrate with your EHR. Validic provides the only fully EHR-integrated solution for enterprise-wide remote care. Reduce your tech spend, security risk, and vendor footprint with a solution your physicians will love.

    Our Chief Information Security Officer and Senior Director, Legal & Compliance, dive into “data privacy and security considerations in protecting patient and provider data,” here.

    Validic Saves Development and Integration Costs

    Validic has built hundreds of one-off integrations to the premier home health and wearable devices. Through one connection to Validic's API, you can access the data from 600+ disparate health sources. We offload and maintain the business relationships, technical updates, and ongoing support - including vendor agreements, third-party terms and conditions, bugs, and compliance with industry regulations and standards.

    With more than 180 connected blood pressure cuffs, glucose meters, continuous glucose meters, heart rate monitors, pulse oximeters, thermometers, peak flow meters, spirometers, and weight scales connected via Cloud API, Bluetooth Low Energy, and cellular, Validic offers the largest selection of clinical devices to support your personalized care programs.

    One provider saved $1.5 million in development costs reserved for device integration, while another saved between $500,000 and $1 million in integration costs to support PGHD in workflows.


    Data Integration and Interoperability

    Integrating patient-generated health data (PGHD) into existing healthcare systems and ensuring interoperability between different devices and platforms is a complex task. Standardizing data formats and developing interoperable solutions are essential for seamless data exchange and utilization.

    When integrating PGHD with Validic, you have fewer vendor endpoints and less patient data "out in the wild." This eliminates the need to contract, coordinate, and manage multiple vendors with point solutions that may not meet your needs and could expose your network to additional risks. With a single endpoint from Validic’s HIPAA-compliant, HITRUST-certified, and ISO 27001 certified platform integrated into your EHR, you can have peace of mind knowing your patient data is secure.

    Validic’s EHR-integrated solution can support multiple use cases, maximizing the investment you've already made in your EHR with a fully integrated remote care solution that can be used for every patient in your system. This helps your care teams be more efficient and effective with their time and resources, delivering greater value and ROI across the enterprise.

    Our health IoT platform's enhanced, practical data model offers simplified data context, metrics, and reporting features. We have developed a proprietary standardization process built for scale, customization, and seamless integration into any system. We standardize the endpoints to ensure actionable, meaningful data is delivered. This process ensures data integrity and security in storage and in transit. Our structure allows for scalability and ease of use to ensure that future device and data types are easily added.

    Data Accuracy and Reliability

    The accuracy and reliability of patient-generated health data (PGHD) depend on the quality of the devices and tools used for collection. Ensuring that these tools meet rigorous standards and providing patients with guidance on proper usage are crucial for obtaining reliable data. Regular and accurate readings lead to better clinical decisions.

    Ninety-two percent of providers report that the Validic program helps them deliver higher-quality care. Additionally, 75% of patients who record daily readings report receiving better care through the device-driven program.

    Our solution improves care accuracy and health outcomes across 200 patient populations and more than 2 million connected lives.

    Validic's Mission

    At Validic, we are dedicated to improving the quality of human life by making personal data actionable. We help healthcare organizations deliver tailored interventions and personalized care, improving healthcare efficiency and delivery and empowering people to play an active role in their health and well-being.

    Get started today.