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How We Help / Enrich Population Health Programs

Enrich population health programs

Operating effectively and efficiently in a value-based care environment means delivering high-quality, evidenced-based, and patient-centered care while continuously driving cost savings for your patients, members, and community. The cost savings come not only from dollars saved in treatment and earned through additional quality payments but also from simplified, tech-enabled workflows. We work with population health leaders to augment their analytics, care management, and quality improvement initiatives using remotely collected health data integrated into their EHR.

population health management

What is Population Health Management?

Population health management (PHM) is an approach aimed at improving the health outcomes of large groups by monitoring the population as a whole, and identifying individual patients within that group that may need additional attention. It addresses the medical, social, and economic factors impacting the health of populations. In this context, the use of digital health technologies has become increasingly important. Validic, a leading digital health platform, stands out as a pivotal player in the PHM landscape. This guide explores why Validic is essential for effective population health management.

The importance of Population Health Management

Improved Health Outcomes

By focusing on preventive care and chronic disease management, PHM can significantly improve the health outcomes of populations.

Cost Efficiency

PHM helps reduce healthcare costs by preventing or delaying disease progression and minimizing hospital readmissions.

Improved Patient Engagement

Engaging patients in their own care leads to better adherence to treatment plans and healthier lifestyles.

Data-Driven Decisions

PHM relies heavily on data to make informed decisions, which enhances the effectiveness of care strategies.

The Role of Digital Health in PHM

Digital health technologies are revolutionizing PHM by providing tools for remote monitoring, data collection, and patient engagement. These technologies include wearable devices, clinical vital signs devices, mobile health apps, telehealth services, and health information exchanges. They enable healthcare providers to gather real-time data, monitor patient progress, and intervene when necessary.

Active Remote Monitoring with Interactive Programs

Validic: An Overview

Validic is a digital health platform that connects healthcare organizations to data from hundreds of in-home clinical devices, wearables, and health apps. It integrates this data into clinical workflows, allowing for real-time patient monitoring and better decision-making.

Key Features of Validic

  • Comprehensive Data Integration: Validic collects data from a wide range of devices and apps, providing a holistic view of patient health.
  • Real-Time Data Access: The platform enables real-time access to patient data, which is crucial for timely interventions.
  • Scalability: Validic can handle data from large populations, making it suitable for extensive PHM programs.
  • Security and Compliance: Validic ensures data security, is HIPAA-compliant, and HITRUST-certified, ensuring patient privacy.
  • Interoperability: The platform integrates seamlessly with existing Electronic Health Records (EHR) and other healthcare IT systems for optimal usability and incorporation into existing care delivery workflows.
Benefits of Using Validic for Population Health Management
Enhanced Data Collection and Integration

Validic excels in aggregating health data from various sources, including:

  • Wearable Devices: Fitness trackers, smartwatches, and other wearable devices provide continuous data on physical activity, heart rate, sleep patterns, and more.
  • In-Home Clinical Devices: Blood pressure monitors, glucose meters, pulse oximeters, thermometers, and other in-home devices offer critical health metrics.
  • Health Apps: Mobile apps track diet, medication adherence, mental health, and other aspects of health. By integrating this data into a unified platform, Validic provides a comprehensive view of each patient's health, enabling more accurate and effective PHM strategies.
Real-Time Monitoring and Intervention

One of Validic's standout features is its ability to provide real-time data access. This capability is particularly beneficial for managing chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, COPD, heart disease, and heart failure. Healthcare providers can monitor patients continuously, identify potential issues early, and intervene promptly. For example, if a patient's glucose levels are consistently high, the healthcare provider can adjust the treatment plan before the condition worsens.

Scalability for Large Populations

Managing the health of large populations requires a platform that can scale efficiently. Validic is designed to handle extensive data volumes, making it suitable for large healthcare organizations and PHM programs. Its scalable architecture ensures that as the number of patients and data sources grows, the platform can maintain performance and reliability.

Improved Patient Engagement

Validic facilitates enhanced patient engagement by:

  • Enabling Self-Monitoring: Patients can use connected devices to monitor their health metrics and receive feedback.
  • Providing Educational Resources: The platform can deliver personalized educational content to help patients understand their conditions and manage their health better.
  • Encouraging Communication: Validic enables secure communication between patients and healthcare providers, fostering a collaborative approach to care.
Data-Driven Decision Making

The ability to analyze vast amounts of health data allows healthcare providers to make informed decisions. Validic's platform offers advanced analytics tools that can:

  • Identify Trends: Detect patterns in patient data that may indicate emerging health issues.
  • Predict Outcomes: Use predictive analytics to forecast future health events and plan preventive measures.
  • Optimize Care Plans: Tailor care plans based on individual patient data to improve outcomes and efficiency.

Quality Improvement at Scale

Close Care Gaps Easily Without Manual Data Entry

Improve quality measure performance with a tech-enabled workflow for controlling high blood pressure in your hypertensive patients. Automated remote blood pressure capture and integration into the discrete medical record means less end-of-year scramble and fewer manual processes to meet quality performance goals.

Increase Quality Payments

In a value-based care environment, you earn higher quality payments by helping patients stay healthy and out of the hospital, and manage their chronic conditions. Enrich your population health analytics and clinical practice protocols with remotely captured patient health data and earn higher quality payments when you exceed quality improvement thresholds.

Case Studies: Validic in Action
Chronic Disease Management
A large healthcare system implemented Validic to manage patients with chronic diseases, now scaled to more than 400,000 patients. By integrating data from wearable devices and in-home clinical devices, the healthcare providers were able to:
  • Monitor patients' vital signs consistently.
  • Detect early warning signs of disease exacerbation.
  • Adjust treatment plans in real-time.

As a result, the healthcare system saw a significant reduction in hospital readmissions and emergency room visits, leading to improved patient outcomes and cost savings.

Wellness Programs

A corporate wellness program used Validic to promote healthy lifestyles among employees. By integrating data from fitness trackers and health apps, the program could:

  • Track employees' physical activity, sleep, and nutrition.
  • Provide personalized wellness recommendations.
  • Encourage participation through challenges and rewards.

The wellness program led to improved employee health, reduced absenteeism, and increased productivity.

Remote Patient Monitoring

During the COVID-19 pandemic, a hospital network used Validic to monitor COVID-19 patients remotely. Patients used pulse oximeters and temperature sensors to track their vital signs at home. The data was transmitted to Validic's platform, where healthcare providers could:

  • Monitor patients' health remotely.
  • Identify patients at risk of deterioration.
  • Provide timely interventions, such as sending medical staff to the patient's home or advising hospital admission.

This approach helped reduce the burden on hospital resources while ensuring patients received the necessary care.

We've been to a few rodeos!

We're excited to help make your Validic journey a smashing success. Your Validic team will be there with you every step of the way to help you through your implementation. Starting with your goals and objectives in mind, we will guide you through the technical implementation and integration of the Validic platform, setting up your first Validic program, training your trainers and first wave of clinical team members, how to engage your patients, and ongoing monitoring and optimization.
Implementing Validic for Population Health Management
1. Define Objectives
Before implementing Validic, healthcare organizations should define their PHM objectives. This includes identifying the population segments to be managed, the health outcomes to be achieved, and the metrics to be tracked.
2. Implement the Platform
With Validic, the technical implementation only needs to be completed once, setting you up for multiple programs and interventions that will scale with you for years. The typical Validic EHR integration project takes about 12 weeks.
3. Configure and Deploy Your First Program

Validic offers an advanced Design Studio to set up new programs that can be customized to meet specific needs. The Design Studio makes it easy to:

  • Quickly configure protocols and dashboards to track key metrics.
  • Set up real-time monitoring and notifications directly to your care team for critical health indicators.
  • Customize reporting to provide actionable insights.
4. Train Your Care Team
Quality training is crucial for any new program. Validic will provide materials and train your trainers on how to set up new programs, enroll patients, monitor patient data, interpret analytics and reports, and keep patient engagement going over time.
5. Engage Patients
Patient engagement is a key element in the success of PHM programs. Our training and promotional materials templates will help your team learn how to educate patients on the use of connected devices and health apps, encourage regular data collection and self-monitoring, and provide feedback and support through the platform. If they ever get stuck, our team of friendly 1-800 support agents are standing by to help your patients get the most out of their program.
6. Monitor and Optimize
Once Validic is implemented, healthcare organizations should continuously monitor its performance and optimize its use, including regularly reviewing analytics and reports to identify areas for improvement, adjusting care plans based on patient data and provider feedback, and gathering feedback from healthcare providers and patients to enhance the platform's functionality.

Challenges and Solutions

Data Privacy and Security

Challenge: Ensuring patient data privacy and security is paramount.

Solution: Validic complies with healthcare regulations like HIPAA and employs robust security measures to protect patient data. Healthcare organizations should also implement their own security protocols and educate patients on data privacy.

Patient Engagement

Challenge: Engaging patients to consistently use connected devices and health apps can be challenging.

Solution: Providing education, support, and incentives can enhance patient engagement. Personalized feedback and regular communication through the platform can also motivate patients to participate actively.

Integration with Existing Systems

Challenge: Integrating Validic with existing EHR and healthcare IT systems can be complex.

Solution: Validic's interoperability features facilitate seamless integration. Healthcare organizations should work closely with Validic's support team to ensure smooth data integration.

Data Management

Challenge: Managing and analyzing large volumes of data can be overwhelming.

Solution: Validic's advanced analytics tools simplify data management. Healthcare organizations should prioritize key metrics and focus on actionable insights to avoid data overload.

Personalized Care at Population Scale

Validic is a powerful digital health platform that significantly enhances population health management. By integrating data from a wide range of devices and apps, providing real-time monitoring and analytics, and facilitating patient engagement, Validic empowers healthcare organizations to improve health outcomes, reduce costs, and deliver personalized care. As healthcare continues to evolve, platforms like Validic will play an increasingly important role in shaping the future of population health management.

Get started today.